Native tribes of Nicaragua used to throw women into this active volcano as sacrifices to their gods in hopes of preventing another eruption. And when the Spaniards discovered the volcano, they believed it was the Gateway to Hell. They even erected a cross next to the crater in an attempt to cleanse this unholy ground. I remembered reading this and thinking how strange and superstitious people were back then. Who would think that?
This cross shown above seems to be the only identification for this place.
From the minute you are on the trail leading up the volcano, you get a feeling of death and desolation. The terrain is littered with black rock and ash from the previous eruption and the trees and grass are brown and withered. And the silence is broken only by the sound of the hot, dry breeze which smells of sulfur.
When you walk to the side of the crater, you are surrounded by vultures. The sky is covered with them, circling and patiently waiting. And for every one in the air, it seems like there are at least 2 or 3 on the ground, some close enough to touch. If you´ve ever seen a vulture up close, you understand why they were often seen as bad omens or the prescence of death.
And you can hear the volcano breathing as you approach the crater. It releases its poisonous fumes with a slow and deep whoosh, constant and penetrating, like a heavy breathe or drum beat. You must limit your time next to the crater because the sulfur from the fumes will burn your eyes and cause you to cough.
People believe that there's a mythological story behind the crater. It is said that an Evil leader was thronwn on to the earth from space and he landed up at this place called Mayasa, 20 kilometers from Managua, the capital of Nicaragua. Due to his powers this huge crater was believed to be formed here and he ended up becoming "The Lord of the Evil" underground!!!!
This crater was proved to be an active volcano and it looks something fierceful.... like this when its erupted.
Scientists now started believing that there are 6 more places like this on the Earth at present and all these are refered to as "Gateways To Hell". They prefer to call so because many people who have entered into these have gone off the record. Its also said that people who only commit sins are take by these Gateways.
Lets wait for the truth to be Reveiled about these.
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